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Fourth Pagan Misinformation

The belief that the one problem facing us is Amnesia


There he lolls, the ugly American couch-potato, beer in one hand, mouth full of junk food and head full of TV garbage.  Will someone please wake him up to the fact that there is more to life than the NFL, the NBA, and the endless baseball season?

The sleek, spiritually alert monists (pagans) are right in wanting to awaken people from forgetfulness to spiritual reality, by which they believe they can fix the world.  Monists believe that things are not as they should be.  They are right.  Sadly, they don’t realize that they are proposing an even greater delusion.

One might expect monism to be complacent.  If all is one and one is all, what can anyone change?  But monists are often passionate people who want to transform reality.  Monists want to waken their brothers and sisters and the earth to the reality of universal oneness.  Like the young lion, Simba in Lion King, the earth has not yet understood that the stars are its father.

Monism hates distinction-makers because they break the unity of the circle.  Making distinctions has numbed us, they maintain, into a spiritual state of forgetfulness.  We no longer remember that we belong to the whole.  In order to reunite the circle, we must stop dividing the world into categories.  Monism points an accusing finger at structures we once considered natural.

Monists identify old-fashioned, black and white thinking with Western Christian culture.  They find the Bible full of patriarchy and hierarchy and they accuse Christian of making many other such distinctions which they claim tear the world apart.

Monism’s message of hope is clear.  We must rid the world of distinctions and enter the mystical unity of all things.  Here is a partial list of distinctions that monists would like to eliminate.  As you reflect on this list you will realize many others Christian distinctions that are under attack around you.

  • Creator/creature
  • God/man
  • Animals/humans
  • Right/wrong
  • Life/death
  • Heaven/hell
  • Christ/satan
  • Sin/holiness
  • The Bible/other Scriptures
  • Orthodoxy/heresy
  • Christianity/paganism
  • Male/female
  • Traditional family/alternate families
  • Child/parent
  • Authority/submission


I’m sure you have seen in each of the areas above how monism has changed our way of thinking.  What you may not have realized is that all the changes in our society are tied together.  It all makes sense to the monist! Powerful forces in our world are committed to the elimination of these distinctions for the good of the planet.  Of course, there is no universal human conspiracy whose headquarters are hidden under the Arizona desert, led by Mister Big, planning a pagan takeover.  But behind this often alluring ideology is a superhuman conspiracy against God.  “For our struggle is not against human beings … but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm” (Eph. 6: 12).  The nations are caught up in this conspiracy, as Psalm 2 says: “the kings of the earth take their stand … against the Lord and against his Anointed One.”  Christians need to identify the conspiracy in order to help those caught up in it to make peace with Christ.  Non-Christians are not as independent as they think.  The spiritual forces of evil take delight in deceiving people in order to draw them away from Christ.