Sola Scriptura
A Gospel Truth – There is One Truth!
Some of the young people in the 1960’s turned away from drugs and Eastern mysticism to Jesus, calling themselves the Jesus People. They would point their index fingers to the heavens, declaring to anyone who would listen (and to many who would rather not!) that Jesus was the only way. Normal people sneered, but when you examine things from ground zero perspective, the Jesus People were right.
The Bible teaches that there is only one true religion. All others are man-made. Jesus claims to be the only way to the Father, so He makes your attitude to him the test of true religion. Today’s spirituality gives lip service to Christ, but it deforms him so that he is unrecognizable. He has become the spirit of the age, or the spirit behind Jesus – one shared by any great prophet or guru (this is not the Biblical Jesus).
In the Old Testament, God’s people were warned not to experiment with pagan religions and are judged for being full of superstitions from the east, for practicing divination and for clasping hands with pagans (Isa. 2:6). Jesus told us specifically not to practice religion as the pagan did (Matt. 6:7). Christ is the only way, because he is the unique Son of God. He created the world, a unique event in our human history. Without him, nothing was made. But Christ is at the center of another unique event when he redeemed the world. He was the first to conquer death and to wear a resurrected body. He is the first event of the new creation.
The author of these two great acts, the physical creation and the future transformation of the universe, is the one who states: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Before the majesty of these acts of the divine Christ, paganism stands mute. It can neither create the physical universe nor raise a dead body from the tomb.
There is only one true spirituality. Only one religion leads to the Father. It is the religion the true God reveals in the Bible. That is why the Church confesses “Scripture Alone.”