The Third Pagan Falsehood
All religions are one
In Chicago, delegates to the Parliament of the World’s Religions held hands and danced around the room to the sound of a Native American Indian shaman’s drum. Six thousand delegates shared their experience of the divine within. If all humanity is one, then all religions are one.
Mystical oneness is the heart of spirituality for the monist. All religions share a common, mystical experience, and true believers in any religion will arrive at the same mystical union with deity and become divine. All religions are pie slices that join in the center. If you believe this oneness, you must throw away rationality, for mystical union is an irrational affair. If you believe in this oneness, you must throw away doctrine. It doesn’t matter if you are a Christian, a Jew, a Hindu or a witch; you are a part of the same whole, which is divine. You can find union with that whole – and the way to union is experience. Just bite into the pie!
This unity of religions will increase in the years ahead. Technology has brought our world together. In addition, many religious organizations (the World Council of Churches, the United Religions, the Parliament of the World’s Religions, and the Interfaith Movement, for example) are working hard to bring about a one-world reality. A leading “Christian” scholar, Huston Smith, believes the present word of the Spirit is producing an “invisible geometry to shape the religions of the world into a single truth.” Some in the mainline churches believe him to be a prophetic voice for the church of the third millennium.
This religious one-world vision becomes political because paganism worships only the earth. Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the atheistic Soviet Union, organized an annual State of the World Forum in San Franciso, which was attended by many religious and political leaders. This Forum called for a new synthesis of democratic, Christian and Buddhist values. Translated, that means a joining of Eastern and Western religions in a new global, political structure that will finally bring peace to the world. What an enticing proposition. But is it true?
The answer will be published in a few days.